
Welcome to the Eluvio Content Fabric Documentation site. The Content Fabric is a decentralized media blockchain, designed from the ground up to manage and distribute video content and media of all kinds. The documentation is organized into several sections:

Getting Started

An introduction to the concepts behind the Content Fabric and its basic operations - creating and managing users, Access Groups, Content Objects, Libraries, Content Types, and more. Plus, instructions on using the Eluvio Fabric Browser to get set up.

Content Management

Ingest new content, organize media libraries and set up playout offerings.

Access Control

Content security model, basic and advanced access control.

Media Wallet

Build digital media store and marketplace applications using pre-built components.

Eluvio Live

Direct to fans platform for music, live events, film, collectibles and all things digital media.


Advanced topics, configuration and functions.


End to end guides for building the most common media flows on the Content Fabric.